Starting a New Year with Good Momentum: A Big Thank You!

By jacob on January 4, 2009

As each of you well knows, PCMS maintains its high standards and commitment to low ticket pricing through the generous support of a wide variety of donors. Β Ticket revenue only covers a portion of our expenses each year, and we depend upon the many foundation and corporate, and especially the countless individual donors who contribute valuable dollars to help sustain our mission.

During these tough economic times, when many foundations and corporations are pulling back on their contributions to non profits, we have been very fortunate to see so many of our patrons step forward and make contributions to our annual fund. Β These donations, both small and large, allow PCMS to continue its tradition (23 years now!) of balanced budgets and invest smartly in the marketing and customer service innovations that improve the concert experience for our patrons. Β Of course, PCMS remains committed to presenting the world's top recital artists and chamber music groups, and next season is shaping up to be a truly outstanding collection of over 60 performances.

As we begin the New Year, I'm proud to thank each of you recently supported PCMS through a year-end gift, and look forward to seeing everyone at a concert soon.


Jacob Smith
Development Director