Thomas Vautor

Thomas Vautor was a 17th century English composer whose best known work is Sweet Suffolk Owl.

Vautor was a household musician in the family of Anthony Beaumont, of Glenfield, Leicestershire. In the 1610s and 1620s he was in the service of Sir George Villiers, later (1617) to be made Duke of Buckingham by James I. InΒ May 1616 Vautor supplicated for the degree of Mus. Bac. at Oxford, which was granted on condition of his composing a choral hymn for six voices

Vautuor published a volume of five and six part madrigals The First Set: Being Songs of divers Ayres and Natures of Five and Sixe parts: Apt for Vyols and Voyces in 1619.