Sofia Jen Ouyang, composer

Sofia Jen Ouyang, composer. Photo by Luke Awtry.

Sofia Jen Ouyang is a composer interested in the intersection and collision of varying artistic expression, fusing musical, literary, and philosophical concepts into her works.Β She is currently pursuing her undergraduate degrees in Music and Philosophy at Columbia University, and studies with Andrew Norman at The Juilliard School. She is also a mentee of David Serkin Ludwig and Claire Chase. Sofia is a 2021 Blueprint composer fellow with National Sawdust, a winner of the 2022 Gena Raps Piano Chamber Music Prize, and has received honors from The American Prize (2022), BMI Student Composer Award (2021), Society of Composers Inc., Luna Lab (2020), and the National Young Composer Challenge (2019). Upcoming projects include writing a choral work for the New York Virtuoso Singers and a mini-opera with the Columbia New Opera Workshop.