Complimentary Tickets – A Song by Mahler

Thank you for your interest in A Song by Mahler, the final event in the Arts on the Mind Festival. This 75-minute music-theater production features Jennifer Johnson Cano, mezzo-soprano, Ryan Bradford, baritone, David Shifrin, clarinet and FLUX Quartet. A Song by Mahler centers on the changing realities of two characters: a concertizing singer who is diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s and her husband, who is also her accompanist. 

Concert and program information can be found here.

The concert takes place on Wednesday, May 15th at 7:30pm at the Kimmel Center's Perelman Theater, located at 300 S. Broad Street.

Tickets are issued on a first-come, first-served basis and can be picked up from the PCMS Box Office table before the performance. Doors to the concert hall open at 7:00pm.

Should you have any questions, our Box Office may be reached at 215-569-8080 or We hope you enjoy the performance!

Complimentary Tickets to A Song by Mahler (May 15, 2024)

  • If you need more than two tickets, please call the PCMS Box Office at 215-569-8080.