Nice to be noticed!

By jacob on January 18, 2010

It's always great to get feedback about how we're doing and what we could do better. ย We take the word "Society" in our name very seriously, and attempt to base how we approach our concerts (and especially the marketing of those concerts) on the feedback we get from our audience members and the community at large.

There are a lot of things that we work very hard at, and if we do them right they don't attract too much attention. ย One of those is our weekly eNews, in which we share ย thoughts about upcoming concerts and offer special discounts. ย Normally our only feedback comes from eagle-eye readers who flag typos, wrong dates, and other (hopefully rare) errors. ย However, today we were lucky enough to stumble upon a nice blog post by Mary Ann Devine, formerly marketing and PR guru at the Academy of Vocal Arts. ย  In it she praised some of our efforts, and we're thankful for that - I think I even saw a small "high five" moment between Miles and Brian right before they brought out a birthday cake for Box Office Manager Bradford Kochel. ย Good job guys!

As always, we welcome your feedback and look forward to seeing you at a concert soon.