Roll Over, Beethoven: How An Old Rock ‘n Roll Editor Got Hooked on Classics

By jacob on March 15, 2009

I was forwarded this article by a friend, Kerry Candaele - he's a filmmaker out in Los Angeles who did a documentary about Beethoven's 9th around the world - and I loved it. Β The title gives most of it away: Greg Mitchell, former rock n' roll magazine editor, chronicles his recent discovery of classical music.

I was pleased by the following quote, since we presented the Beaux Arts Trio for so many years:

Now I am suddenly debating, if only with myself, the relative merits of pianists Grimaud, Lang Lang and Pollini, as I had once weighed the merits of Clapton, Hendrix and Harrison.Β 

Goodbye Crosby, Stills and Nash -- hello Beaux Arts Trio!

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did, and send it to any of your friends who have yet to discover classical music, Beethoven, or PCMS!

Roll Over, Beethoven: How An Old Rock 'n Roll Editor Got Hooked on Classical Music