Music in Troubled Times

By Miles Cohen on August 15, 2009

I wanted to post a quick note regarding the impact of ongoing debate of our state and city budgets.

While I don't like to bring politics into our Society, it's important to let you know that without new action, both the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA) and the Philadelphia Cultural Fund (PCF) will have zero funding allocated for the upcoming year. Β That's right: zero dollars for Arts and Culture at both the city and the state level.

PCMS, like cultural presenters nationwide, depend on grants and donations to supplement ticket sale income. Β  The PCA has been a consistent supporter since our founding in 1986, and the Philadelphia Cultural Fund has recently increased its support - both of these factors make it difficult to visualize a season without their important support.

If you care about the arts in our City and State as much as I do, please take a moment to contact your representatives and stress to them the importance of this funding. Β Without action in the coming week or two, both sources of funding will be lost for the entire upcoming year.

Philadelphia Cultural Alliance's Take Action Resource Page